General terms of sales

The present general terms and conditions of sale are made between:


Limited company with a capital of 5.812€
The head office is 11 bis rue Bachaumont
75002 PARIS France

Called « The seller »


and :

Any individual wishing to make a purchase on the Seller web site, at the address,
Called « The Client »


Article 1: Object
Article 2: The website
Article 3: The produtcs
Article 4: Prices
Article 5: Payment
Article 6: The order
Article 7: The delivery
Article 8: Return of a Product: Right of withdrawal
Article 9: Data protection
Article 10: Liability – Force Majeure
Article 11: Intellectual Property
Article 12: Contact
Article 13: Partial non validity
Article 14: The entire contract
Article 15: Applicable Law and the Jurisdiction Concerned
Article 16: Contest “#LaVieenRouje”
Article 17: « Tortoise » contest rules
Legal notices


Article 1: Object

The terms and conditions of sale define the contractual relation between the Seller and the Client, and the conditions that apply to all purchases made on the Seller retail website, called “the Site”.

With the present terms and conditions of sale, the Client is forbidden to purchase for resale, according to clause L 110-101 of the Commercial Code.

The Client must be at least 18 years old and have judicial capacity or have a parental authorization to order on the Site.

The acquirement of a product on the Site implies the Client’s complete acceptation of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale. These override any of the Client’s general or particular conditions.

The Seller has the possibility to change the General Terms and Conditions of Sale. However the Conditions applied to the Client are those in effect at the date of his order on the Site. The present General Terms and Conditions of Sale are the exclusive propriety of the Seller. All reproductions, even partial, are strictly forbidden.

Article 2: The website

2.1 The Website is an e-commerce website that is accessible on the Internet at the address and it is open to any user of the Internet. It is edited and distributed by the limited company Rouje, a limited company with a capital of 5,000 euros. Its head office's address is 11 bis rue Bachaumont, 75002 Paris. It is registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under the number 817934797.

2.2 The Website offers to sell a variety of clothes and accessories for women to Net users browsing on the Website. By virtue of the Terms of sale, it is agreed that the User and Rouje will be collectively named "the parties" and individually called the "party", and that the User who validated an order will then be called the "Buyer". The rights and duties of the User inevitably apply to the Buyer.

2.3 Rouje reminds that the Products are exclusively for the personal use of the Buyer and it must not have any direct link with his professional activity. Rouje reserves the right to refuse the carrying out of the order.

2.4 The Buyer declares that he has full legal capacity.

2.5 The order of any Product offered on the Website presupposes the consultation and the express consent of the General Terms of Sale by ticking the box provided to that effect before ordering anything. As a reminder, according to the provisions laid down in the articles 1316 to 1316-4 of the Civil Code, supplemented by the Decree n° 2001-272 of 30 March 2001, for the application of the article 1316-4 of the Civil Code and concerning the e-signature, Rouje specifies that the validation of the order form as specified in the article 5.3 hereafter, constitutes an e-signature that has, between the Parties, the same value as a handwritten signature.

2.6 The aim of the General Terms of Sale is to define the rights and duties of the Parties born from the online sale of the Products offered on the Website.

Article 3: The products

a) Description of the Products

3.1 The Products offered by Rouje are those shown on the Website on the day of its consultation by the User and within the limits of available stocks.

3.2 The Products are described and presented with the greatest precision possible. The photos illustrating, in support of the text, the products do not enter in the contractual field. As such, if Rouje tries to represent as faithfully as possible the Products of which the photos are displayed on the Website, variations may occur, particularly given the technical limitations of color renderings of computer equipment.

b) Availability of the Products

3.3 Rouje is committed to honor the orders only within the limits of available stocks. If one or several Products are not available, Rouje is committed to inform the User as soon as possible. Rouje incurs no liability for a stock shortage or the unavailability of the Products.

3.4 The unavailability of the Product can be notified to the User: When he enters his order, he will be told that the Product he wants is unavailable at the moment. After the validation of his order, an email will be sent to the Buyer from Rouje to notify him.

3.5 If the payment has already been made, Rouje is committed to contact the payment systems Shopify Payment, Stripe, Klarna or Paypal to deduct the price of the unavailable Product(s) from the amount taken on the bank account of the Buyer.

c) Retention of title

3.6 Rouje retains title to the Products ordered until they are fully paid.

Article 4: Prices

4.1 The Prices of the Products are given in dollars, taxes and duties excluded, without the participation to the delivery costs, on the day of the order.

There is an exception for the United Kingdom, China and Hong Kong countries where the Prices of the Products are given in pound, renminbi or Honk Kong dollar, taxes and duties included, without the participation to the delivery costs, on the day of the order.

4.2 The price billed to the Buyer is the price given on the order confirmation that Rouje sent by email.

4.3 Rouje reserves the right to update the prices at any time without notice. The Products will be billed on the basis of the rates in force when the order is entered, within the limits of available stocks. The rate in force is the one given on the Website, errors of typography excepted, for which Rouje is not responsible.

4.4 Prices are payable in full in a single installment when the order is confirmed.

4.5 Any missed payment will result in the invoicing of a 25 dollars fee for each payment incident. The data recorded by the Website are a proof of the transactions between Rouje and the Buyer. The data recorded by the payment system are the proof of financial transactions. The sale is final when the secure services accept the transaction.

Article 5: Payment

5.1 It is stated that you can pay on the Website by bank cards, Klarna, Bancontact, Klarna (Pay Later) or Paypal - depending on your country of delivery. The payment for the Products bought on the Website can be done safely, from France or from foreign countries, 24/7, with the bank cards below: Visa, Mastercard, Amex.

5.2 The User will enter his card number, the cardholder name, the term of validity and the 3 numbers of the visual cryptogram that is on the back of your card.

5.3 Rouje reserves the right to refuse to honour the order of a User if Rouje and the User are under dispute, of any nature whatsoever.

5.4 Rouje uses the secure payment system Stripe and Shopify Payment. The integrity of the data exchanged between the Buyer and the secure platform Stripe and Shopify Payment is protected against any hacking attempt. The confidential data are directly transmitted on the server of the bank, without ever being sent through the servers of Rouje.

5.5 Stripe and Shopify Payment leans on the encrypted exchange protocol SSL (Secure Socket Layer) and provides all insurance required for transactions on the Internet.

5.6 Rouje reserves the right to cancel any order presenting a risk of fraudulent use of the bank card.

Article 6: The order

a) Browsing the Website

6.1 The User may navigate freely on the Website with no commitment to purchase via an order.

b) Registering an order

6.2 To order, the User has to click on "Add to my basket". Each time an item is added to the Basket, a specific screen will appear.

6.3 At any time before confirming his order, the User can:

  • Get a summary of the Products he selected and modify his order by clicking on the link "Cart" or the basket picto
  • Continue his selection of Products by clicking on "Continue shopping"
  • Finish the selection of the Products and confirm the order by clicking on "Proceed to Payment".

  • 6.4 To order the Products, the User will have to click on "Complete Order" and will confirm the buying journey offered.

    6.5 An order form appears on the screen, summing up: the nature, the quantity and the price of the Products ordered by the User, as well as the total amount of the order.

    6.6 The User will have to identify himself by filling in the form with great care, especially the mandatory information: his first name, his name, his email address, his password, his birth date, the delivery address and the billing address.

    6.7 The User is informed and accepts that the capture of his identifier is a proof of his identity and shows his consent.

    c) Final confirmation of an order

    6.8 The confirmation by the User of his order on the Website implies the agreement to the General Terms of Sale.

    6.9 The User may then pay his order by entering his banking information.

    d) Confirmation of an order

    6.10 When the Buyer confirms the payment of his order, a summary will appear with the transaction number. This summary also appears in the email of confirmation of the order.

    6.11 An email of confirmation of the sending is sent to the Buyer on the sending date of the products which includes the tracking of the parcel.

    6.12 Pursuant to article L.132-4 of the Consumer Code, when an order is for an amount greater than or equal to €120, Rouje keeps the verbiage stating that the contract entered into electronically between Rouje and the Buyer for the period of time from the start of the contract until the date of delivery and for 10 years thereafter (in compliance with the decree 2005-137 of 16 February 2005).


    Article 7: The delivery

    a) Terms and time of deliveries

    7.1 The Products ordered are, depending on the choice of the Buyer, delivered to any address all around the world. The address of the delivery is given by the Buyer.

    7.2 The orders are dispatched, depending on the choice of the Buyer, by the postal service Colissimo, DHL or UPS.

    7.3 In both cases, the Buyer will be able to track his order on the Internet. Rouje is committed to do its very best so that the order is carried out within a maximum of 30 days starting on the date of confirmation of the order, except in cases of force majeure given in article 9. However, it is stated that any order paid by cheque will be "confirmed" and taken into account only after receipt of the amount of the cheque by Rouje.

    7.4 The products ordered by the Buyer will be delivered to the address given by the Buyer on the order form or they will be left at the Post office attached to the delivery address of the Buyer, in case of absence of the recipient of the Order. If so, the postman will leave a delivery notice in the mail box of the recipient so that he can pick up his parcel during office hours of the Post office, within 15 days.

    7.5 The delivery address cannot be a PO Box. The information submitted by the Buyer is part of the sales contract. In case of error in the delivery information given by the Buyer, Rouje could not be held responsible for failure in delivery.

    7.6 The shipping costs are based on the destination and weight of the parcel, according to the rates of the postal services in effect. For any delivery outside of metropolitan France, no matter the amount of the order, you have to pay the shipping costs. If the forwarding is imputable to you (the delivery address you gave was not correct, or you did not get the parcel at the post office within the 15 days), there will be additional charges, upon acceptance of the Buyer. If the Buyer does not accept to pay these additional charges, the order will be cancelled and the Buyer will be refunded the amount of the order on his bank account, minus the delivery charges.

    For shipments outside France including DOM: "the customer will support the local taxation of the country of consumption.

    b) Delivery issues

    7.7 Delivery timelines are available on the website and may vary according to your order availability.

    Delivery timelines are processed on business days and correspond to the average order preparation and shipping schedule on the territory.

    Delivery timelines start from the order confirmation date by the Seller.

    The Seller commits to proceed at its best to deliver the order to the Buyer within the timetable stated above. However the timelines are communicated on an indicative basis and an eventual delay could not lead to any interest and damages, deduction or cancellation of the order by the Buyer. However, if the ordered products haven't been delivered within 7 days after the indicative date of delivery, for any case than the force majeure, the sale can be revoked on written request of the Buyer or the Seller. The sums of money paid by the Buyer will be refund without delay, except any compensation or deduction. The Customer is the only responsible person for the non-execution or the defective execution of the Contract due to a lack of indication during the Order process (wrong or incomplete address, wrong name...).

    7.8 The Customer is required to check the wrapping state as well as the Articles upon delivery. It is the Customer's responsibility to express reservation and claims that he/she consider necessary, nay to refuse the parcel, when the parcel is manifestly damaged at the Delivery. The aforesaid reservations and claims shall be addressed to the carrier by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt within 3 business days, except public holidays, that follow the Delivery date. Otherwise, the Customer has to send a copy of the letter to the Seller. The default of claim within the afore mentioned period cancels any lawsuit against the carrier in accordance with the provisions of article L. 133-3 of the commercial Code.

    The Customer must make sure that the delivered Goods correspond to the Order. In case of non-compliance of the Goods in kind or in quality to the mentioned specifications in the Delivery slip, the Customer must inform the Seller by e-mail and send the Goods back to the given address and the return label is provided by the Seller.

    c) Limitation of liability

    7.9 The Products offered are in compliance with the French legislation force. Rouje is not to blame in case of non-compliance with the legislation of the country where the Products are delivered. It is up to the Buyer to check with the local authorities if he is authorized to import or to use the ordered Products.

    7.10 Only guarantee made: The Products delivered are in perfect condition during the handing-over to the carrier. No other express or tacit guarantee is issued. According to the L217-4 article of the Consumption code, the seller is responsible for the conformity defaults which exist during the delivery.

    Article 8: Return of a Product: Right of withdrawal

    8.1 The Buyer has a right of withdrawal for the following reasons:

  • Non-fulfillment of the Product for any reason.
  • Non-compliance of the Product.

    You have up to 15 days to return your item(s) in their original condition. Returns fees will be deducted from the order refund based on the pricing list here.

    Archive items purchased online must be returned by post only.

    Cosmetics products must be returned intact, unopened and in its original packaging.

    To return an order, please follow these steps:

    1) In your Rouje account, « My orders », click on “Make a return” and select the item(s) you wish to return.
    2) Once your request has been submitted, you will receive a confirmation email with a return label and a return form to be inserted in the package.
    3) Print the return form and insert it in your package before mailing it to the following address using your shipping label:

    ROUJE – Service Retour
    11-15 Rue Léon Blum
    91120 PALAISEAU


    If the Buyer is based in France or in the United Kingdom, he can return your order directly to one of Rouje flagships. If the Buyer chooses to do so, he has to print the return form that he will give to one of our salesperson.

    8.2 In both cases referred to in 8.1, the Buyer will have the possibility to ask Rouje for a refund of the Product.

    8.3 To exercise his right of withdrawal, the Buyer will have to ask for it within 15 days after receipt of the Product. The buyer informs the the Seller his will to retract through the retract form, completed and signed, in annex 1.

    8.4 If the Product is found leading to non-compliance with the order, or is defective upon delivery, or if the product is defective, the return shipping fees will be the responsibility of Rouje. In this case, Rouje will provide you a prepaid return mailing label that you can use to return your shipment. Please contact the customer service at to get it.

    8.5 Rouje does not accepts the postage due parcels. In accordance with the article L216-4 of the Consumption code, the return label without transporter, any risk associated with the transport is carried by the Buyer. The Seller is not responsible if the parcel is lost.

    8.6 If the above-mentionned conditions are met and if the Buyer wanted a refund of the Product, Rouje will pay back the amounts of the Product(s) bought by the Buyer to him, within 14 days starting on the date of receipt of the returned Product by Rouje.

  • Article 9: Data protection

    As part of these GTCS, the Seller is required to process the personal data provided by the Customer. The data is processed for the following purposes:

  • Order management and administration
  • Product preparation and shipment
  • Management of complaints and the withdrawal process.

    The Customer's personal data is processed, for all the purposes indicated above, on the basis of the fulfillment of the contract or pre-contractual measures between the Seller and the Customer.

    By accepting these GTCS, the Customer accepts that any personal data collected will be transferred to the Seller's partners solely within the scope of the purposes set out above. It has been previously verified that the Seller's service providers comply with the obligations imposed by French data protection law. As part of the transfer to the Seller's service providers, the Customer's data may leave the European Union. Also, all appropriate precautions and guarantees have been put in place by the Seller to ensure an adequate level of protection in line with the European standards in force.

    The Seller's service providers are:
  • UPS
  • DHL
  • LCL

  • The personal data is retained until it has served the purposes for which it was collected. Once these purposes have been served, the Customer's personal data will be deleted, unless the Seller is legally bound to retain it.

    In accordance with French data protection law, the Customer has the following rights over their personal data:

  • The right of access, which allows the Customer to access and obtain a copy of their personal data;
  • The right to rectification, which allows the Customer to ask for any inaccurate personal data to be modified;
  • The right to erasure (right to be forgotten), which allows the Customer to ask for their personal data to be deleted or erased;
  • The right to object, which allows the Customer to object to the Seller using their personal data, for reasons relating to their particular situation;
  • The right to limit processing, which allows the Customer to ask the Seller to limit the processing of their personal data;
  • The right to data portability (ability to extract data on request), which allows the Customer to request an electronic copy or transfer of their personal data from the Seller's database to another;
  • The Customer can also define guidelines relating to the retention, erasure and communication of their personal data after their death.
  • To exercise these rights, the Customer must send an email request to: or send a registered letter with proof of receipt, enclosing a copy of an identity document, to:
    ROUJE SERVICE IP / IT 11 Bis, Rue Bachaumont 75002, Paris The Seller undertakes to respond to the request of the person concerned within one month of receipt. If the aforementioned right invoked by the Customer cannot be exercised, the Seller will inform them of the reasons within one month.

    In the event of a breach of the above provisions, the Customer has the right to lodge a complaint with the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL), the French supervisory authority for personal data protection.


    Article 10: Liability – Force Majeure

    10.1 Rouje has only a mere best efforts obligation for every step to access and order on the Website (order process, delivery, customer service, etc.).

    10.2 Rouje cannot be held liable for any harm inherent in using the Internet, such as a breach in service, outside intrusion or the presence of a computer virus, or for any event deemed to fall under force majeure, in accordance with the case-law, in particular a strike of the postal services, a stock out from the manufacturer, the destruction or the total loss of the stock, a model not made any more that Rouje would not know about, as well as any exceptional event.

    Article 11: Intellectual Property

    All elements of the Website, visual or sonorous, are protected by copyright and are under intellectual and artistic property around the world. Reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without prior agreement.

    All reproductions or representations of the website are submitted to the specific and prior agreement of ROUJE.

    The non compliance of this obligation is an infraction that engages the criminal justice responsibility of the author.

    All techniques such as framing or deep-linking are strictly forbidden unless special written authorization is delivered by ROUJE.

    The “ROUJE” name was subject to a trademark registration at the INPI (brand n°4220445). In consequence, all reproductions of this brand, non authorized by ROUJE constitute a counterfeit act that can be the object of penal or criminal prosecutions.

    The web user is thus forbidden to harm the “ROUJE” brand. It is strictly forbidden to use or reproduce the ROUJE name for any reason, on any medium without the prior and written authorization of Rouje.

    Article 12: Contact

    By mail:

    Service Vente à Distance
    11 bis rue Bachaumont
    75002 Paris, FRANCE

    We don't accept any return at this address. Please log in to you account and download your return application.

    By email:

    Article 13: Partial non validity

    If a particular stipulation of these General Terms of Sale is held invalid or declared as such by any Authority of res judicata of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect.

    Article 14: The entire contract

    14.1 These General Terms of Sale and the order summary transmitted to the Buyer form a single contract and constitute the whole of the contractual relationship between the Parties.

    14.2 In case of contradiction between the documents, the General Terms of Sale have priority.

    Article 15: Applicable Law and the Jurisdiction Concerned

    These General Terms of Sale and the contractual relationship between the Parties are subject to French law.

    Article 16: Contest “#LaVieenRouje”

    Free photo contest with no obligation to buy, organized by the Rouje Paris company from 01/01/2021 until 31/12/2022 included, on its Instagram account: open to all adults residing in Metropolitan France and abroad. The prize of the contest is composed of a gift card worth 200€/$/GBP (two hundred euros/dollars/pounds). The prize is awarded to one participant of the contest, per week, selected by Rouje Paris. The winner will be contacted by the Rouje Paris team directly on Instagram. The rules of the game are available on the website. In accordance with the French Data Protection Act, you have the right to access, rectify and oppose any information concerning you by writing to Rouje Paris, 11 bis rue Bachaumont, 75002 Paris. Regulation available here.

    Legal notices

    The website is edited and distributed by:
    The limited company Rouje, with a capital of €5,000
    Head office: 11 bis rue Bachaumont, 75002 Paris-Franc
    Registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under the number: 817934797
    Intercommunity VAT n°: FR59817934797
    Siret : 81793479700025
    APE Code : 7410Z is hosted by Shopify.

    The Website in its entirety is considered to be the exclusive property of the company Rouje. No reproduction or representation can be made without the prior written consent of Rouje. Rouje does not warrant the accuracy and completeness of the information given on the Website and the editor cannot be held liable for any error. If you notice some errors, please report them to: The company Rouje reserves the right to correct the content at any time without notice.

    Annex 1


    Please complete and send this form only if you'd like to retract of your order on, except exclusions or limits to the exercise of this retraction right following the GTS.

    To Rouje, Customer service, 11 bis rue Bachaumont, 75002 Paris, FRANCE

    I notify through this, my retraction of the contract, on the following sale

    Order on …………………………………….. / Received on ………………………………………………………………..
    Order number : ……………………………………………………………………..
    Consumer name : ………………………………………………………………..
    Consumer adress : ………………………………………………………………..
    Consumer signature :

    Date : ………………………………………………………………..

    Rouje Paris logo
    Les Filles en Rouje logo
    Your order will be shipped in its entirety as soon as the pre-ordered parts arrive in stock.
    You have no items in your cart.